Mike Larry
Looking for an all-star cannabis strain to bring along to social events? Look no further than Mike Larry cannabis strain! This fantastic hybrid has a little something for everyone: after a few hits, you can expect to feel chatty, alert, and every now and then – giggly. Clocking in at 22% THC, this is some pretty strong stuff – but it won’t fog your brain out. In fact, it might make your mood better. That makes Mike Larry ideal for folks who want to unwind without zoning out entirely.
Then there’s the pedigree to consider. We crossed Larry OG with Gelato (another knockout hybrid) to create Mike Larry weed strain, which means it comes from good stock on both sides of its family tree. When you light up a bowl or joint, notes of petrol, pine cleaner -- even cat pee! -- might dance across your taste buds. These come courtesy mostly myrcene (say: mere-seen), an earthy-smelling terpene also found in high levels in mangoes; besides tasting interesting alongside dessert, science says this compound could do wonders if broad-spectrum relaxation is what ails ya.
Medical marijuana patients have found much to appreciate about Mike Larry as well. It’s been used to help cope with symptoms of depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) for years. The high from Mike Larry may be useful for those needing daytime relief from such mood disorders when needing to function clearly. No single effect dominates the overall experience, making it an effective social lubricant or “getting things done” strain for many different types of consumers.
Mike Larry Strain Reviews
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*Statements made on this website have not been evaluated by the UK Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA). These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Information provided by this website or this company is not a substitute for individual medical advice.
**Consumers have reported these possible side effects. However it is important to note that cannabis affects everybody differently, and a majority of consumers report not experiencing side effects when consuming cannabis.