When the clock hits "Go Time," it's go-time! Be prepared to awaken your inner powerhouse with this stunning hybrid. Boasting THC levels of 22%, the Go Time cannabis strain is a variety that delivers an almighty energetic punch — one which may well help channel creativity and concentration; ideal if you have lots to do, or perhaps wish to explore artistic activities further. This weed strain doesn't just talk-the-talk when it comes to motivation; rather, it yells from the rooftops, invigoratingly so, leaving stress behind (way behind).
As you savour its spicy-herbal and lemony zest notes, against a backdrop of robust sage ones; an interesting thing happens: a taste sensation both grounding and revitalising occurs. Such flavours together awaken one’s palate, while myrcene terpenes dominate alongside them, bringing earthly joy — they also smell pretty fine combined; making each inhalation aromatically pleasurable. It’s rare to find a blend which does all three at once, dance on your tongue maybe?
Many cannabis types will encourage sleep (if not outright couch collapse); however, don’t expect any haziness from the Go Time weed strain. You might turn to it to be more sociable or simply awake enough to undertake chores; additionally, some users report mood elevation too. If smoking plant matter isn't appealing, how about trying vaping these flowers? They're equally good for both pastimes.
Depression sucks energy levels drop; facts may not alter but certainly assist in clearing the fug from your own head, reducing minor blues. So, thinking caps alert, cheers all round seems in order with Go Time present — we’re part-yet what do palpitations, negativity, etc. Wanna stay feisty after using this type of substance? Combine things with a small amount of hashish aka CBD for working memory functions (so remaining chipper) indeed ganja in the true sense of the term.
Go Time Strain Reviews
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*Statements made on this website have not been evaluated by the UK Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA). These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Information provided by this website or this company is not a substitute for individual medical advice.
**Consumers have reported these possible side effects. However it is important to note that cannabis affects everybody differently, and a majority of consumers report not experiencing side effects when consuming cannabis.