Ethos Apex
Could Ethos Apex become the strain you turn to for relaxation and pleasure? This hybrid might just take you to new heights, mixing two different types of cannabis to satisfy both your body and mind. It combines genes from Lilac Diesel and Mandarin Cookies to great effect.
Be prepared for a burst of distinct flavours when you smoke Ethos Apex cannabis strain. There are hints of tar and tobacco plus undertones of skunk – they blend together beautifully. The smell is strong and hard to forget.
Each drag has various taste sensations that stay with you once you’ve finished (the same goes for the overall feeling). You feel pleasantly hungry but sleepy too – and so contented that the buzz carries on a long time after the joint has gone out!
Anxious moments, bouts of nausea and painful episodes could all potentially benefit from this multipurpose product; if nothing else it has been designed specifically with these issues in mind.
People who want peace of mind alongside high quality highs have been advised not to look any further: there may be lots around but few come close in terms either value or performance. Ethos Apex weed strain is truly a standout choice!
Ethos Apex Strain Reviews
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*Statements made on this website have not been evaluated by the UK Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA). These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Information provided by this website or this company is not a substitute for individual medical advice.
**Consumers have reported these possible side effects. However it is important to note that cannabis affects everybody differently, and a majority of consumers report not experiencing side effects when consuming cannabis.