Stock photo of a strain similar to Cream Pie Kush

Cream Pie Kush

Also known as: Cookies and Cream Pie and Cream Pie
Hybrid Hybrid THC 26% CBD 1%


Dry eyes Dry Mouth


Wedding Cake, Triangle Kush

If you're looking for an intense experience that satisfies your sweet tooth, then Cream Pie Kush cannabis strain is the treat you've been searching for! This hybrid strain doesn't just look and smell amazing – it boasts an average THC content of 26%, making it strong enough to elevate even mundane activities into something truly special. Plus, there's just enough CBD (around 1%) to round out the high without diminishing its effects.

Cream Pie Kush weed strain has some pretty impressive parentage too; by crossing Wedding Cake with Triangle Kush, breeders have managed to create offspring which not only get toked up for an enjoyable buzz but also boast complex flavours capable of leaving a lasting impression on someone who has tasted them. Caryophyllene dominates when these flowers are analysed further – this terpene delivers peppery/spicy undertones alongside potential anti-inflammatory effects, so there may be more going on than just palatability exercise here.

All things considered, it's no wonder why people say that one shouldn't simply smoke/vape/ingest their way through their stash too quickly upon discovering an effective dose, because each hit tastes good enough (with after notes) to literally want another – whether the person in question is a seasoned veteran or a newcomer wanting to try something special for the first time: We recommend checking out CPK next chance you get!

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**Consumers have reported these possible side effects. However it is important to note that cannabis affects everybody differently, and a majority of consumers report not experiencing side effects when consuming cannabis.