Burnt Orange
Imagine a scenario where you are chilling in the garden on a sunny day – can it get any better than this? Well, yes actually: add some Burnt Orange cannabis strain into the mix! This hybrid doesn’t just make your mouth water with anticipation thanks to its tangy citrus taste; there is also an earthy undertone which complements things nicely. It’s like being surrounded by orange trees in full bloom while a gentle breeze carries their scent mixed with the smell of newly chopped wood.
As if that wasn’t enough…
One of the most interesting effects about smoking/vaping/eating(?) Burnt Orange weed strain [delete as applicable] comes afterwards: although feelings of wellbeing wash over consumers like a kind wave (man), there tends to be some serious couch-lock too. Users may find themselves sinking into furniture feeling happy but soporific, meaning it’s probably best saved for evenings with pals – or occasions when you need both relaxation plus something else up its sleeve… such as getting munchies big time without noticing how they arrived!
But wait – there’s more!!
Don’t let the complex fruity taste and combo buzz make you forget why else this plant has got people talking:
Medical patients report mood improvement effects of types where hugs from strangers would usually be required; also potential pain relief properties which could offer sufferers an alternative daytime option. And then there are those who say its muscle tension easing qualities combined with overall sedative feeling make it worth investigation by bedtime tokers looking for ways to ease into sleep mode… all very intriguing stuff indeed considering nobody seems sure exactly why any given strain works the way it does.
Fans with more curious minds meanwhile might want to give indoor/outdoor growing factors thought: after all who wouldn’t be fascinated to learn how genes behind the same Lemon Larry OG cut also help produce one standout variety alongside something called?
Burnt Orange Strain Reviews
Strains Related to Burnt Orange

*Statements made on this website have not been evaluated by the UK Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA). These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Information provided by this website or this company is not a substitute for individual medical advice.
**Consumers have reported these possible side effects. However it is important to note that cannabis affects everybody differently, and a majority of consumers report not experiencing side effects when consuming cannabis.